Tatting, My Newest Obsession

Yes, I do this periodically. I find something new and shiny and obsess. Unlike other people’s obsessions, though, mine are almost always craft or art related. I have to learn and I have to do until I have somewhat mastered it.

Sometimes, not always, but often, it’s about the learning. Learning facts and processes are nice, but learning to do – that’s what floats my boat!

My finished first completed tatting project! Yes, I have a long way to go. But completing it is a big accomplishment
My finished first completed tatting project! Yes, I have a long way to go. But completing it is a big accomplishment

I have added a tatting page and will be adding resources there periodically. I’m not planning to turn this into a tatting website. We’ll have to see how far my obsession goes before I start considering that.

Take care and God bless you!


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